Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Strong reasons with evidence

Persuasive writing makes students list strong reasons in their opinion letter or essay. To be able to prove your point and make the  reader convinced to agree with you, the reasons need evidence (explaining). Here students are working on reasons and evidence for a hot topic: school uniforms. 

Monday, March 7, 2016

Cheez- It area and perimeter

Started reviewing area and perimeter today with the use of Cheez it crackers! 

"Stopping by the woods on a snowy evening" Robert Frost

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Persuasive Writing and New Hampshire Project

Before February break, students began listening to  persuasive stories  and reading persuasive articles . We thought about what the writer's opinion (issue or concern) is, who the writer was writing to (audience), and why was the writer writing this story or article (purpose, what were they trying to get people to agree to). This unit will take us a few weeks to understand about persuading with examples, reasons,  stated opinion, etc. 

 Fourth graders learn all about the Granite State , from landmarks, to places and famous people. To begin the unit , we created a word splash. I quickly scribed every word that came to these 4th grader's mind when I said, " New Hampshire." 

In addition, we have new reading groups as we indulge ourselves in reading an informational book, Uniquely New Hampshire  by Peter Melman. We began by reviewing why we read informational books and why the text features are there to help us with non-fiction books. 


Sunday, February 7, 2016

Graphing, Google Drive, Kahoot

Dear 4EX Families and Friends,

I hope this post finds you all well. I cannot believe we have been in school for almost 100 days?!? Your 4th grader is now closer to 5th grade! Wow!! 👏🏻 

Our days in 4EX are jam packed with curriculum learning. After a month of teaching  long division, we have transitioned into graphing. This unit will have students analyzing data for bar graphs, double bar graphs, line graphs, double line graphs, with a review of other previously taught graphs from 3rd grade. 

I found this game, Kahoot, that was fun! A question is displayed on the projector and the students have 4 multiple choice options for an answer. They use a Chromebook  to choose their answer. The students had fun and we'll be sure to play again . 

When students are typing up their stories on the computer, they use Google Docs in their Drive. Students are really enjoying the process of sharing their document with me because this allows me to comment directly in their document for edits and revisions. They are finding this process "cool!" :) 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

M&M Long Division

As we begin to wrap up our unit on long division, we did an activity using M&M's. 

Sunday, January 17, 2016