Friday, April 24, 2015

International Food Sampling and a Surprise Bagel Morning

Thank you so very much for ALL the delicious food that was donated for 3EX's International Food Day. The students LOVED it! I thank you so much for your generosity. Kiddos enjoyed 
Traditional Philipine Bread 
Homemade Irish-Italian- Hungarian Meatballs 
Italian Apple Cake
Irish Soda Bread
Italian Pastera
Italian Tomato and Mozzerella
French Canadian Poutine 

On Friday, Miss.Grube and I surprised our students with bagels and cream cheese with a documentary of all important artifacts from around the world to cultivate our Culture Unit from Scott Foresman! 


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Ah super late in posting pictures!!!

So sorry for the delay in posting pictures of learning. We have been super busy learning all about The Night Sky. Students have been fascinated by this unit an it has been glorious watching them grow as thinkers and asking deport questions about their solar system!
Moon phases:

Mr. Negley the science guy!
Holding a meteorite. 

A creation made by our own Alison on her chalkboard at home!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015